In 1958 a young farmer, named LeRoy S. Hoover, had the desire placed in his heart to someday provide a home for individuals with special needs. He vowed to make this a reality if God enabled him. He and his wife Anna Mary were challenged with special needs children of their own, and had no idea where those dreams would take them in the future.
On October 23, 1995, Sunny Crest opened its doors and arms to those with special needs. Sunny Crest Home has since grown into a licensed Personal Care Home providing care for individuals with special needs. |
Our Mission
To go beyond providing a room, good food, and a place to live. In a loving Christian environment we will provide opportunities to bring out the best in each person and give their light a chance to shine.
Caring is Sharing
We believe that God has a purpose for each one of us. We offer many volunteer opportunities in which individuals can give their time and love to the residents we serve. If it is on your heart to serve, please give us a call to see what opportunities await you!